- Record ID:
35206126 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Japp, Alexander Hay, 1839-1905
- See also:
- Notes:
- His Our common cuckoo and other cuckoos and other parasitical birds, 1899 t.p. (Alexander H. Hay)
- LC in OCLC, 1/28/84 (hdg.: Japp, Alexander Hay, 1839-1905; usage: Alexander H. Japp; Alexander Hay Japp; H.A. Page)
- NLC 10/14/83 (AACR2: Japp, Alexander H. (Alexander Hay), 1839-1905; Page, H.A.)
- UnM/Canadiana files (hdg.: Japp, Alexander Hay, 1839-1905; usage: Alexander H. Japp; Alexander Hay Japp; H.A. Page; E. Condor Gray)
- LC manual cat. (hdg.: Japp, Alexander Hay, 1839-1905; usage: Alexander H. Japp, Alexander Hay Japp, H.A. Page, E. Conder Gray)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)187024
- 000000207146
- abv04043987
- Cataloguing source:
- Authentication code: