History--Study and teaching College teaching Politics, Practical
Historians College teachers Politicians
Used for:
Leo, Enrico, 1799-1878
Leo, Heinricus, 1799-1878
His Lehrbuch der Universalgeschichte, 1840-51.
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online, Feb. 5, 2014 (access point: Leo, Heinrich; other access points: Leo, Enrico; Leo, Heinricus; dates: 1799-1878; born in Rudolstadt, born [thus] in Halle; German historian and politician)
Wikipedia, Feb. 5, 2014: "Heinrich Leo" (Heinrich Leo; born 17 March 1799 in Rudolstadt, died 24 April 1878 in Halle; Prussian historian; studied at the universities of Breslau, Hena and Göttingen; devoting himself to history, philology and theology; as the universities were still agitated by the liberal and patriotic aspirations of the War of Liberation, so Leo held these opinions as well until shocked by the murder of von Kotzebue, and from then on increasingly conservative and reactionary; doctorate May 11, 1820; private docent in Berlin from 1822 to 1827, coming under the influence of Hegel, whom Leo later repudiated; later called to Halle, where Leo taught for 40 years; Leo also participated in several of the political and religious debates of his day)
German Wikipedia, Feb. 5, 2014: "Heinrich Leo" (Heinrich Leo; born 19 March 1799 [thus] in Rudolstadt; died 14 April 1878 in Halle)
Deutsche Biographie online, Feb. 5, 2014 (access point: Leo, Heinrich; historian, born 19 March 1799 Rudolstadt, died 24 April 1878 Halle/Saale; Lutheran)