- Record ID:
35185896 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- Description conventions:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Cox, George William, 1827-1902
- Cox, G. W. (George William), 1827-1902
- Cox, George W. (George William), Sir, 1827-1902
- Notes:
- nuc88-21145: His The crusades, 1890 (hdg. on IaAS rept.: Cox, George William, 1827-1902; usage: George W. Cox)
- LC data base, 3/7/88 (hdg.: Cox, George William, 1827-1902; usage not given)
- nuc90-21902: His The Greek and the Persians [MI] 1897 (hdg. on NNC rept.: Cox, George W. (George William), 1827-1902; usage: G.W. Cox)
- Local system number:
- (AuPaJTL)44498
- abv04025092
- 000000186818
- Cataloguing source: