Kuznet︠s︡ov, A. M. Antonio Gramshi, 1981 t.p. (Antonio Gramshi)
His Odbrani tekstovi, 1978 t.p. (Antonio Gramši)
Kōstopoulos, S.G. Gkramsi, c1988 t.p. (Gkramsi) p. 7 (Antonio Gkramsi)
International Gramsci Society website, January 19, 2016 (Antonio Gramsci; 1891-1937; the Italian socialist, political theorist, and activist; born January 22, 1891 in Ales, Italy; he grew up in Nuoro and Ghilarza; attended the Dèttori Lyceum in Cagliari; studied at the University of Turin; journalist; one of the founders of the journal L'Ordine Nuovo; member of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI); later became a member of the Italian Communist Party; died April 27, 1937 in Rome) http://www.internationalgramscisociety.org/about_gramsci/chronology.html