nuc86-110424: His Letter-books of Charles James Blomfield, Bishop of London ... [MI] 1977 (hdg. on NSyU rept.: Blomfield, Charles James, Bp. of London, 1786-1857)
Philogamos, P. The marriage law, 1841: t.p. (C.J. Blomfield, Lord Bishop of London)
MoSU-L/NLT files (usage: Charles James Blomfield)
MdU/G-K files (usage: one well acquainted with him; G.W. S--e.)
DNB (Blomfield, Charles James; bishop of London; b. 5/29/1786; d. 8/5/1857)
Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1828-1856 : Blomfield). A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of London at the visitation in October MDCCCXLII by Charles James, Lord Bishop of London, 1842.
Correspondence between the Lord Bishop of London, the chaplain and the congregation of the British church establishment in Madeira, 1846.