His Realism, rationalism, and scientific method, 1981 t.p. (Paul K. Feyerabend) Brit CIP data (Paul Karl Feyerabend)
Kürsch. Gel. Kal., 1983 (Feyerabend, Paul; b. 1/13/24; Ph.D., DLitt, prof. ETH Zürich; lists works)
Kunst und Wissenschaft, 1984 t.p. (Paul Feyerabend) p. ix (prof. of philosophy of science, ETH Zürich)
LC database, May 30, 2006 (hdg.: Feyerabend, Paul K., 1924- ; usage: Paul Feyerabend [predominant form], Paul K. Feyerabend, P.K. Feyerabend)
Widerstreit und Harmonie, c1996 t.p. (Paul Feyerabend) prelim. leaf (1924-1994)
Wikipedia WWW site, May 30, 2006 (under Paul Feyerabend: Paul Karl Feyerabend; b. Jan. 13, 1924, Vienna; d. Feb. 11, 1994, Zurich; philosopher of science)