Dutton, G. In search of Edward John Eyre, 1982 (subj.) t.p. (Edward John Eyre)
LC data base, 7-20-83 (hdg.: Eyre, Edward John, 1815-1901)
Australian Dictionary of Biography (online) 12 October 2020: (Edward John Eyre (1815-1901), explorer and governor, was born on 5 August 1815 at Whipsnade, Bedfordshire, England. He arrived in Sydney on 20 March 1833. In 1838 he settled in Adelaide and explored north and west. In June 1840 he set out on an expedition to the west, reaching Albany (W.A.). On his return to Adelaide, he wa appointed protector of Aboriginals. After a visit to England in 1846 he was appiinted to Wellington (N.Z.) as lieutenant-governor, but the interference of Sir George Grey made his position untenable and he returned to England in 1853; he was appointed to the West Indies. After an uprising he was recalled to England in 1866, becoming a cause celebre. He retired to live quietly in Tavistock, where he died.) http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/eyre-edward-john-2032