His Letter to the Right Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone, M.P. ... 1850: t.p. (His Honor Mr. Justice Therry) p. 5 (signed, R. Therry)
Observations on the "Hole and Corner Petition," , 1834: title page (by an Unpaid Magistrate)
DNB (Therry, Sir Roger, 1800-1874; judge in New South Wales)
LC/NAF 6 December 2020: authorized access point (Therry. R. (Roger), 1800-1874
Australian Dictionary of Biography (online) 6 December 2020: (Sir Roger Therry (1800-1874), judge, was born at Cork, Ireland, and educated at Clongowes College and Trinity College, Dublin. He was called to the Irish Bar and actively associated with Daniel O'Connell in the campaign for Catholic emancipation. He was called to the English bar in 1827, and in November 1829 arrived in New South Wales to be commissioner of the Court of Requests (small debts). He had a high reputation among lawyers. In December 1844 he was appointed resident judge at Port Phillip, then in 1846 transferred to the Supreme Court of New South Wales. He supported his friend the priest John Joseph Therry on behalf of poor Catholics. In 1859 he resigned his judgeship and retired to England. His book of reminiscences had to be corrected after first publication, but remains valuable for its description of places and events. Therry was knighted in 1869 and died at Bath in May 1874.) http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/therry-sir-roger-2723
Ancestry.com 6 December 2020: (Sir Roger Keating Therry. Birth 22 Apr 1800; death 17 May 1874)