Dídimo, Alejandrino, approximately 313-approximately 398
Didimo, il Cieco, approximately 313-approximately 398
Didyme, l'Aveugle, approximately 313-approximately 398
Didymos, Alexandreus, approximately 313-approximately 398
Didymos, der Blinde, approximately 313-approximately 398
Didymus, der Blinde, approximately 313-approximately 398
Didymus, the Blind, ca. 313-approximately 398
Didymus, of Alexandria, the Theologian, approximately 313-approximately 398
Ehrman, B.D. Didymus the Blind and the text of the Gospels, c1986.
Gauche, W.J. Didymus the Blind, 1934.
LC data base, 02-03-93 (hdg.: Didymus, of Alexandria, the Theologian, ca. 313-ca. 398; usage: Didymus the Blind, Didymos der Blinde, Didymus der Blinde, Didyme l'Aveugle)
New Cath. encyc. (Didymus the Blind, Alexandrian theologian, b. ca. 313, d. between 395 and 399)
Oxford dict. of the Christian Church, c1958 (Didymus the Blind, ca. 313-398, Alexandrian theologian)
Prinzivalli, E. Didimo il Cieco e l'interpretazione dei Salmi, 1988.
Quasten, Patrology v. 3, p. 85 (Didymus the Blind, head of catechetical school at Alexandria in 4th cent. under Athanasius, b. ca. 313, d. ca. 398)
Sánchez, M.D. El comentario al Eclesiastés de Dídimo Alejandrino, 1991.