Humphrey, A. W. H. Narrative of a voyage to Port Phillip ... 1984: t.p. (Lieut.-Gov. Collins) p. 47 (David Collins)
LC data base, 10-15-85 (hdg.: Collins, David, 1756-1810)
Australian Dictionary of Biography (online) 15 November 2021: (David Collins (1756-1810), deputy judge advocate and lieutenant-governor, was born on 3 March 1756 in London. He joined the marines, and served in North America and other posts. In 1786 he was commissioned as deputy judge-advocate for the Botany Bay expedition; under Governor Arthur Phillip, he was responsible for the entire legal administration of the settlement. He returned to London, arriving in June 1797, and published his Account of the English Colony in New South Wales. In 1803 he was appointed to establish a settlement on Port Phillip, but transferred it to the Derwent River in Van Diemen's Land where he established Hobart Town, under great difficulties. He died suddenly on 24 March 1810.)