His Iohannis Buridani Quaestiones super libris quattuor de caelo et mundo, 1942.
His Quaestiones in praedicamenta, 1983: t.p. (Iohannes Buridanus)
LC data base, 8-27-84 (hdg.: Buridan, Jean, fl. 1328-1358; usage: Giovanni Buridano, Iohannes Buridanus; John Buridan, Johannes Buridanus, Jan Burydan)
Ency. Brit., 15th ed. (Buridan, Jean; Latin: Joannes Buridanus; b. 1300, probably at Béthune, Fr.; d. 1358; Aristotelian philosopher, logician, and scientific theorist in optics and mechanics)
Gr. Larousse ency., 1960 (Buridan, Jean; v. 1300-apr. 1358)
Ency. Amer., 1975, v. 4, p. 793 (Jean Buridan)
De ethiek, c1988: t.p. (Johannes Buridan) cover (1295-1358)