- Record ID:
35022405 (Libraries Australia Authorities)
- Authority type:
- LC number:
- Heading:
- Used for:
- Po-lang-tʻe, Ai-mi-li, 1818-1848
- Bolangte, Aimili, 1818-1848
- Bell, Ellis, 1818-1848
- Bronte, Emili, 1818-1848
- エミリーブロンテ, 1818-1848
- Brontë, Emily Jane, 1818-1848
- Notes:
- Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
- Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
- Wuthering Heights, 1848.
- Po-lang-tʻe chieh mei yen chiu, 1983 pref. (Ai-mi-li Po-lang-tʻe)
- Wuthering Heights, c1996 p. 3 (Emily Brönte was unwilling to reveal her identity behind the pseudonym "Ellis Bell")
- Wuthering Heights, [18--?]:t.p. (Ellis Bell)
- Orkanski visovi, 1972 t.p. (Emili Bronte)
- Local system number:
- (AuCNL)859065
- 000000022523
- abv00060065
- Cataloguing source: