Order out of chaos, 1994: t.p. (John Shaw Billings)
NLM files, Feb. 27, 2001: (hdg.: Billings, John S. (John Shaw), 1838-1913; usage: John S. Billings, J.S. Billings, John Shaw Billings)
World Biographical Information System Online -- web site, Apr. 28, 2016 (army surgeon; librarian)
Hospital plans, condensed for the use only of the trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1875: p. 3 (Jno. S. Billings)
Wikipedia 12 August 2021: (John Shaw Billings (April 12, 1838 – March 11, 1913) was an American librarian, building designer, and surgeon. However, he is best known as the modernizer of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office of the Army. His work with Andrew Carnegie led to the development and his service as the first director of the New York Public Library. he was born in Allensville, Indiana, and studied medicine at Cincinnati's Medical School of Ohio. He served as a surgeon during the Civil War. Afterwards he became director of the Surgeon General's library, until 1895, and developed the indexing system which became Index Medicus. He also devised the punched card system for recording data in the U.S. census. From 1896 to 1913 he was responsible for developing the New York Public Library system. He died in New York city.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Shaw_Billings