LC data base 1-6-87 (hdg.: Baker, Newton Diehl, 1871-1937; usage: Newton Diehl Baker)
NUCMC data from LC Mss. Div. for Howard, R.W. Papers, 1911-1966 (Newton Baker)
WWWA, 1897-1942 (Baker, Newton Diehl, sec. of war; b. Martinsburg, W. Va., 12-3-1871; s. Newton Diehl and Mary (Dukehart) B.; B.A. Johns Hopkins, 1892; LL.B. Wash. and Lee Univ., 1894; m. Elizabeth Leopold, 1902; mayor of Cleveland, 1912-16; appt. sec. of war by Pres. Wilson, 1916; served until 1921; apptd. by Pres. Coolidge mem. Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, 1929; pres. Am. Judicature Soc; d. 12-25-1937)