Arts rhétoriques, 2002 title page (Pseudo-Aelius Aristide) page vii (two treatises attributed in the manuscript to Aelius Aristides, but spurious)
Author's Oratio adversus Septinem ... 1785.
Dictionary of Greek and Latin authors and texts (Brill's new Pauly supplement), 2009 p. 6 (Aelius Aristides (Publius Aelius Aristides); b. 27 November 147 in Hadriani (Mysia); died after 177; Greek orator, representative of the Second Sophistic; 53 of his orations have been preserved and a metric hymn to Asclepius; also falsely attributed to him are Technai rhetorikai and the Leptinean orations)
Eloges grecs de Rome, 1997 p. 13 (Aelius Aristide)
His Discursos, c1997 t.p. (Elio Aristides)
His Heilige Berichte, 1986 t.p. (Publius Aelius Aristides) p. 9, etc. (b. 11/26/117 in Hadrianoi; d. about 181 in Smyrna)