Help - Record Export Service Reports Screen

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The reports screen allows you to generate reports for your own organisation.

Transaction Event Report

The Transaction Event Report allows you to generate a report of the records that you have triggered into Record Export Service (RES) over a specified period.

Start Date

This is the date from which you want your report to start.

End Date

This is the date on which you want your report to end.

Request triggers

The trigger options are Export record, Add holding, Update holdingand Delete holding.  You can check all or a combination of the triggers for your report.

Sort by

Allows you to choose one of the radio button options provided.  You can sort by Database record id or Date/time.

User Authorisations Report

This report provides you with a listing of users who are able to trigger records for downloading, and whether they have RES Manager access.

Sort by

Allows you to choose one of the radio button options provided.  You can sort by your User Id or the Family Name of the user attached to the Id.