Help - Search History

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The Search History screen shows the previous search queries that you have performed during an active session in Libraries Australia. When you log out the Search History is cleared.

For each search query that you have undertaken, the Search History screen will show the time of your search, your search query, the database/s you searched and the number of hits (results) for each database.

At the right-hand side of each query are four blue buttons – Search, Edit, Save and Save as Alert. Each of these functions is described below:


Enables you to return to the Summary Results screen;


Displays the same search screen that you used for the original query, (for example, if you entered a query from the Advanced Search Screen, you will be returned to the Advanced Search Screen), allowing you to edit your query;


Ensures that the information relating to your query is saved in the Saved Queries folder.

Save as Alert

Depending on the level of functionality your library has allowed, you may not be able to see this option.

Alerts allow you to save your search query so the search will be run again automatically, either weekly, monthly or every 3 months

Please note, Alerts can only be created for the following databases: Australian Library Collections (ANBD)and Libraries Australia Authorities.

The Clear History button located above these four functions allows you to clear any of the search queries you have conducted during an active Libraries Australia session.

When you exit Libraries Australia, your search history is cleared. To save searches for later use see Saved Queries.